This week was primarily uneventful. I only had two days of class, since my Tuesday class was canceled. So the week seems to have gone really fast. I love wet weather so at least I enjoyed the weather. On Friday night I went to see El Dorado's musical Miss Fortunate. Let me just say I was severely unimpressed. I was on the verge of sleep the entire second half. I am kinda mad I had to spend $10. I have to write a criticism essay on that so I look forward to shredding it. As far as learnign this week nothing prominent comes to mind. There just hasnt been much worth writing about or that has domincated my mind. In the essence that our blogs have a length requirement I will try to write more anyways.

About a year ago I wanted to learn to sew. Luckily I have a mom who knows pretty much everything about sewing. So I started making summer dresses and a few other pieces of clothing. I got to be pretty efficient and felt pretty good about my abilities. That fall though I moved away to college and was obviously without a sewing machine. But I returned home, and now I am trying to regain my skill. About a week ago I found this awesome wrap skirt pattern from the 1970s in a thrift store. It only cost me a quarter. Next, I went to WalMart (a place I despise and only go to in emergencies) to get my fabric. Unfortunately there are very few places that sell fabric in our area. I found this big flower/ paisley print that I liked for $1 a yard so I was happy about that. While I was in the POSMIC (Pieces of S*** Made in China) store all the old ladies stared at me like it was crazy that a young person was buying fabric. I smiled at them and they smiled back. Anyways, a few days ago I started my skirt. I cut out the pattern, which was a pain in the butt, and started putting it together. So far, all I have to add on is the waist band and the tie end and violla! Im pretty proud of this little piece of work Ive made and cant wait for the weather to get warm so I can wear all my clothes that I have made!


Jenny Lang said...

I used to sew quite a lot. Unfortunately, in recent years, I haven't touched my sewing machine much - just too busy with work. I never made regular clothes, though, that I could wear out and about. My skill-level and patience weren't high enough. I made costumes for various events and for various people. Halloween costumes, Zone Ball costumes, themed-weddings costumes, dress-up parties, whatever. I do kinda miss it. Maybe I will get back to it when the summer comes around.

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