Virus Research Paper

I am trying to think of the high light of my spring break... like I said in my last post, probably just getting the sleep. My family meant to do something, but the rain kind of broke our motivation. My laptop got a virus and I had to get it repaired, which wasn't really a big deal but I was excited to get it back. It runs a lot smoother now. But when I got it back, I realized that now I have no excuses not to do my homework. So now Ill have to do it all in my last couple days, which wasnt my plan. I like to do my home work early so I can enjoy the rest of my break.

For my world religions I am doing this research paper on the Baha'i faith. We get to chose our topic, it can be anything relating to religion. I chose this originally because I am a fan of The Office. See, the actor who plays Dwight Schrute, Rainn Wilson, is a Baha'i. I heard an interview of him of Oprah's Soul Radio and he was promoting his new website called (which is also really awesome). In the interview he also gave a brief overview of the Bahai fath and it sounded very unique so I wanted to learn more about it. After tons of research (including multiple trips to the library) I have found that the Bahai faith is probably the coolest religion I have learned about out of all the religions in my class. I do not identify with any religion but I would much rather be a Bahai than most other popular religions. I am meeting with this lady who is a member of the Bahai faith in our area and Im super stoked. There is actually a center in Diamond Springs that I never even knew about, so I am going there to talk to people and ask them questions. Pretty excited that took this class and was forced to chose my own topic.


Anonymous said...

It is a cool religion. Are you allowed to accept help with your homework?

Most useful sources:
- the last of these lets you search the Bahai writings for key words. Unfortunately under "authoritative writings" some of the works attributed to Abdu'l-Baha are not authoritative, but verbal reports : items 2 3 4 5 8 and Promulgation of Universal Peace are not authentic writings of Abdu'l-baha, or are mixtures. But Selections from the Writings of Abdu'l-Baha is 100% good and the editors have made a good selection of topics.

CAROLYN said...

thanks so much! unfortunately it is a college research paper so I am not allowed to quote internet sources, only books and text. But it is always good to read up on general info online.

College Research Paper said...

Many institutions limit access to their online information. Making this information available will be an asset to all.

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