Good Movie, Surprises

Okay so I just watched Marley & Me and lets just say its a good thing I didnt see it in theaters. I bawled my eyes out! I am a huge dog person, I have an older dog too, so the ending got me. I also glad that owen wilson did a part i could take seriously and appreciate. awesome movie overall. It made me think about how much I love my dog, made me so happy about him I think Ill let him sleep with me tonight.

Overall this week was a surprising one. I got another scholarship for the college I am transferring to, so that was freaking awesome. Very excited about that. I got a good grade on that silly essay we jsut wrote (I know I could have done better) which was nice. And, I did this sweet old lady scene in drama class and my partner and I basically rocked it. I didnt think the whole thing was that well put together but somehow in the end it really flowed. I also got A's on my psych midterm and my religion midterm. YEAAAH! Honestly, I dont know how I pulled that off. I thought I got about a C on my religion midterm cuz I had no time to study but I guess I must know it pretty well. I think from now on I am not going to study for tests because I always do better. Studying is bad luck, Ill take a walk wth my dog instead. Right now! NIGHT WALK!


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